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CameTrue 12/17/16 Another Test/Nightmare for Eagle
Trending: nightmare effort eagle test object choose class vivid higher had fri landed castle mike wow view bright barrel one metal given brought making run thanks managed down journal strength word
Waning: recall dad wild speed model bridge animals con tree pull move nice detailed internet mon wed disorder giant spider paralysis

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May I say this run SUCKS!
I don't believe this has anything to do with you  Eagle. Boy, so many words here connect with each other.   Many with multiple meanings.
landed castle Mike -Mike Pence? A situation has landed him somewhere or landed upon him somehow.
nightmare effort eagle test object - The US (eagle) is going to be tested in a nightmare situation.
barrel (just focusing on this word)- bomb, gun, or "moving fast"
wow view bright barrel one metal given- sounds like a bomb or gun situation, maybe connected to "Castle Mike"
journal strength word -strong media coverage
disorder giant spider paralysis - either terrorism creates disorder and paralysis or the terrorist organization has disorder and paralysis.
move nice detailed internet- well, since I have learned nice is not always nice, it can mean Nice, this might actually mean something related to the Nice terror action.  Perhaps more information is disclosed or someone is inspired by Nice and tries their own hand at terror, which again fits into this botrun and it's language.
bridge- WWP has been predicting a bridge attack for the past several weeks. They are predicting multiple attacks to happen soon.  While not always accurate, they have a good track record.
Faresite remote viewing predictions for December
TB, I'm glad you spoke up because I wasn't sure how to begin a like conversation. Looking at the last few days of runs, I was having the same ideas.

12-14-16: instrument spinning spin Christmas attempt barrel days fun huge boat via head mean sharing cat smoking following decide arm radio yesterday teeth wed guilty fight future flying level Jason building

12-15-16: taxi numbers wed paralysis wallet basement boat toward must bird fly elevator lose role ending lucid hurt curious nightmare mean crazy instantly danger sleep spin pulling ice gallery giant before

12-16-16: model disorder detailed fire strength taking sword counter days full security view pencil satellite spin wallet shoulder shop via met feet fri paralysis numbers world completely back one arms empty

Since November 16, there have been sets of words appearing like Jesus, deceased, and now Jason (Jason Miller - Trump's spokesperson), rat/rats (22), Eagle (10 x this month),

I am also thinking that if there was to be a major event of some kind, or a series of events, it/they would send markets scrambling and this is exactly what Clif High's Web Bots are predicting for the end of December onward although he doesn't state a trigger (or maybe he does in his $15.00 report).
Thanks for writing this Sherriann, I am glad I am not alone. (though I do wish I were feeling something different)
This has happened today in Berlin. God bless the people of Berlin.
From above-"move nice detailed internet- well, since I have learned nice is not always nice, it can mean Nice, this might actually mean something related to the Nice terror action.  Perhaps more information is disclosed or someone is inspired by Nice and tries their own hand at terror, which again fits into this botrun and it's language."
Thanks, Twice. What is this world coming to? A Hijacked semi truck rams into a crowd of shoppers? Insane.
The similarities-a truck plowing into a crowd at a celebration, in particular-between this event and the Nice attack are marked.
(12-20-2016, 10:20 PM)ThePaladin Wrote: The similarities-a truck plowing into a crowd at a celebration, in particular-between this event and the Nice attack are marked.

And then finding the man's identification in the vehicle....and now we hear he's been shot dead. Points at a rerun, to be sure.

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