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4/21/17 Statue of a Gun and a Japanese Garden
Trending: statue gun moon elements animal garden japanese knight clock doctor check grey island died interaction eyes needed bad sofa clear finding began tower form raven word downstairs riding nose future
Waning: hallway sat wow bus glass book dreamt chase manage food corner magic sun stuck sound pizza flew dragon stalls shared

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Sorry this is posted late. The bot run WAS completed this morning; I just didn't have enough time to post the results.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

First, I am actually surprised that some repeating words from over the past few weeks are back again, together ( raven, dragon, knight).

grey island died
Well, a grey island would seem like a dead island.  So if it wasn't already dead, how did the island die or become grey?  My guess would be that a volcanic eruption would cover the island in grey ash and leave it rather "dead".  We also have Japanese.  Japan is an island.
eyes needed
what are we needing to watch, something about the grey dying island?

tower and raven
We have had quite a few raven knight parings since March.  Knight is still around and now tower.
Here is a history of the importance of the Ravens at the Tower of London.
Raven is a software company connected to many games including Call of Duty.
Raven is a drone craft.

What is a statue?  Is is a sculpture, usually life size or larger.  It is hard, unmoving.
Statue Gun
I am not sure that this would go together unless there was an event involving a gun and a place where a statue(s )would be located, perhaps a museum or a park.  While the Statue of Liberty comes to mind, it could in fact be any statue.
Now this is interesting.  There is a BIG NRA meeting to be held in Atlanta April 27-29th.  Trump will be speaking on the 28th.  There is a  protest planned by Disarm Hate and Resist the NRA.  This protest will be help on the 28th at Woodruff Park in Atlanta, a park which has a famous statue of a Phoenix rising out of the ashes.  I would expect news about both the NRA convention and the Protest, likely near this Phoenix statue. in Atlanta
Grey island died made me think of this story about the "obituary" written for the Great Barrier Reef that was hyperbole:

The GBR is in trouble but it isn't dead...not yet, anyway.

Japanese knight A samurai?
My thought about Grey Island Died, in conjunction with Japanese, is Fukushima. If we think it's all over, we're just kidding ourselves.

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