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8/9/17 Boy Shooting Hole in Ship
Trending: narrative midnight afternoon aspect boy climb chance wanting shooting ship hole chose plus work rose nature wolf leaving forest spiritual opening towards horse wounded forced game fades hidden headed scary
Waning: eye false car form driving people return air welcome waiting sign note pool type metro obj result data read dream

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Might be a hit for what happened in Charlottesvile.  
eye false car form driving people return air
This seems like a warning to watch out for a "false" car, a car that ultimately do harm. We know that people were thrown into the air and the car drove back out of the street in reverse.
May the lady who died rest in peace and may her family find comfort.
narrative midnight afternoon aspect boy climb chance wanting shooting ship hole
This reminds me of the 4 days Trump has had after Charlottesville.  
Narrative is the current story on his reaction to Charlottsville, midnight and afternoon depicts the story changes over the days and nights. the boy is Trump and his desire to climb in popularity causes him to shoot a hole in his "ship".
ship hole

See #cametrue for 8-20-17 botrun for another, more detailed botrun on this event.

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