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Me & my endless questions....for anyone that will reply...~
Have any of y'all's previous bot runs taken as much as two full months to fulfill, bringing an important headline?
That Nov.1st bot run is bugging me. It was juicy-full of terms that could all go together, not the entire list of course but a group of words at the bottom could fit with some at the top, sorta thing.

So, I ask.
Oh yes. They can take awhile, but the biggest caution is to rely too heavily on DreamBot linguistics. Lingo by itself can be predictive, and dreams by themselves can be predictive, but the most powerful and most reliable is finding the material that overlaps. There are a lot of linguistic phrases that never come to pass, and ditto for dreams, but when they say the same thing and overlap nicely, then look out.

This link isn't the bomb or anything, but it might help on the timing aspect:

Also, there's Project August results that have a lot of timing discussion. It's a good question, Nanny; thanks for asking.
Oh duuuude! (grinning) Sir! your Project Ano dreams, all nine pages are delicious.

Yes, I'll keep in mind that dreams with linguistics are by-far more powerful. What my hangup right now with Nov.1 run is merely me and my hunches. When they're just my mind messing with me, nuttin happens but countless times for me, my hunches, when things "bug me" is when they are fruitful. So...pondering, etc.

Project Ano has two dreams that specifically name Hawaii. That, with Nov.1st run is helping to keep me very interested in that run.

What you are doing is serious science. It is my number one hobby at this time. I'm hooked. Wink
I thank you and your team very, very much for this.
Thanks, Nanny. I also want to specifically mention something that took me another Master's Degree to realize....your hunches are valuable, perhaps the most valuable of all. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. However, the processes are intimately linked to the emotional energy in the body. Therefore, unless one learns how to differentiate between instincts, esoteric hunches, and raw emotion, we continue fearing stuff that perhaps shouldn't be feared....OR the opposite....NOT fearing stuff that SHOULD be feared (i.e., action is required).

You won't find many places around the web talking about that difference, but ultimately our survival depends on it.
Thanks! that's got to be the reason some hunches seems in hindsight that they weren't really hunches. Well, they weren't intuitive, but were just personal "hunches."

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