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First General Dreams Of The Year
Hello all

A set of three general predictions...

1. Audible, Urban War, gunfire and distant explosions.

2. A submarine in a dock being repaired...? hard to tell, it was like catching a glimpse of a news item on tv.

3. A passenger Train Car...
Thanks, DreamOracle. Do you have any type of impressions about where these might take place?
Gunfire/Urban war was like listening to gunfire from a highrise, echoing the explosion could have been ricochet sound over the area?

Well, I take it the submarine being in a Naval base somewhere... Modern US sub.

The train car was silver in colour... maybe US?

I had these at around 9.30 pm uk time 13th Jan.

I have seen an event that may explain this but it had already taken place... maybe there's more to come? Idk at this point.

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