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Odd Feeling Today
"Good grief! is this something you noticed last few days, only? or last few weeks, etc?"

No, not last few days. However, the assaults have occurred in the past few days. I was hurt in a "take down" another nurse assisting me was punched, another nurse on another day was bitten by one of the elderly patients, and another nurse on Sunday was grabbed so hard her arm was numb. This is a lot to happen in two days in a small ER. I'd say the increase in "real" psychiatric patients has been going on for a few weeks. I can't say for sure, I tend to brain dump when leaving work.

Must pay better attention.

(10-07-2014, 10:23 PM)New Nanny Wrote: Yeah! it's vague of an idea but glad it resonates with you, too. Sorta like...

Just a theory, so...what if.....Spirit is giving us, the multitude of seekers, more info, more input....more answers in what personally, I feel is the end of the age, of course not of the world??

I wrote a short poem once and said in it that truth was written in the bark on the trees. What if we're gifted in this time of this age, by being handed truth in more places? Feels like it's true. Confirmation in the clouds, in music, in others we maybe only encounter one time....folks say what we were just thinking, or saying very recently to another....synchronicities? did I even spell that right? grin....

Yes! I agree and you said it perfectly.
( For example, I'm reading a book right now about a man's adventure as he biked across the US southern states. I swear I'm seeing connections in that book. Edna, if you read this, do you know what I'm talking about? Are you seeing it/feeling it in more than just tv? )

I am seeing it on Facebook, in emails, on Television and in Movies: I was wondering about the correlation of discovery and making a movie/show to teach others or are "they" (whoever they are) sending us messages. Also I am seeing articles that I think should have been (because they were important or interesting) but were not connected to the Bots.
So I watch other things and wonder if I am sturdy enough for whatever is coming.

I have decided never to go on a spaceship (they want us for food or slave labor). Never think I can have a secrete or have a private moment (they are watching). Don't travel (I might become a sex slave, lol). They might kill me off for my rare blood, use my little brain for experiments, harvest my uterus for research, force me to become a remote viewer or ask me to remotely deal death and all the while expect me to laud our dear leader as the greatest. I can never go camping because there are crazies out there and I don't buy high heels. Even Miss Marple is dangerous, everywhere she goes someone ends up dead.

I am telling you right now being an adult is hard, scary and tiring!
Thank God for a good sense of humor otherwise I would be crying right now!
*p.s. the air is broke again.
Yes, a sense of humor is a must and I love yours!

you said: "I watch other things and wonder if I am sturdy enough for whatever is coming."

Right back at ya. I feel the same. BUT, I know that is fear talking and the sure way to not see the other side is to let fear rule. Take a deep breath and remember to breathe. Advice to myself as well.

Damn air conditioner!
Thanks, Rebecca and ditto to you both. The thought is a fleeting one, wondering just how strong I'll be when the SHTF, because I know I'm here for this time in earth's history and I'm inner-grounded, to be fine.
Rebecca, you wrote one week ago about the increase in assaults and the increase in psychiatric patients. What's it like now? lessened, or about the same?

Yesterday was a very stressful day for me. Different, something so new, in fact I'm almost 60 and this was a first. I had an actual emotional, grouchy, confrontational argument with one of my two sisters. Honest, believe it or not this was a first for the two of us, and the whole evening sucked, after it. Not just that argument but vibe in every way, just big, big bummer. I then realized I'd heard another family member having a bad confrontation with her soulmate, bad because it's a rare thing for them.

Today? sis and I are fine. Fatigue, today, so I best end my visit here, for now.
Hey Nanny,

I'm sorry to hear about you and your sister. I hate being at odds with the people I love. I just went back to work last night after my 5 night stretch off. Last night was fine at work, very slow. However, during my time off my husband and I were not having a great time of it. Nothing specific, we just couldn't communicate. I honestly wanted to smack him several times. We're good now though.

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