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Help if you can? finding bot run with "white powder" in it??
Do any of you have a cool secret for finding what bot run that specific words are in??

I found "powder" in one run and not thinking it's the one I want. I saw it just a couple of days ago when looking for CERN in bot runs. "White powder" and words that make it sound as if it's already been discovered, I think "scientist" or "researcher" is in the run, too.

Thanks if anyone has any tips.
Found it! I posted about it on this bot run, page 2 of 2, at this time.

Also, was not using the best search engine but a spin-off of theirs.
Me too! I bet this is another of the reasons that Eagle1 is building us a new site.

I used and typed in the url of NDC with "white powder" and I didn't even count how many links for NDC threads came up! See? until we have the new site we can use search engines to find stuff here. I had been using and they are good, but are a sister-site of

(03-28-2015, 07:21 PM)aneunayme Wrote: awesome nanny Smile
whenever I try to search for something ive read on ndc I always get a no results matched your search message
in case someone else needs to search a specific site at, try this:
white powder
in the search box and then press "enter"

also works at google and probably bing and yahoo but I never use these
Thanks! I've never tried it that way. Will be fun to see it work, and then see if one or the other bring up more links at NDC.

I don't use the ones you named, either. Thanks for C2C radio I found out about startpage.

(03-30-2015, 02:38 PM)IllogicalLogic Wrote: in case someone else needs to search a specific site at, try this:
white powder
in the search box and then press "enter"

also works at google and probably bing and yahoo but I never use these

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