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CHANI's Event Markers
Hi all, here's a link to an article about CERN looking to contact a parallel universe next week!
Wow, nothing like cutting to the chase. I thought the contact with the other parallel world would be an accident. NOPE, they're trying for it. AND that's just the unclassified purpose, which means there are mind-boggling objectives too (as if that wasn't enough Smile )
Next week is March 23. I thought things weren't going to ramp up there till May 23.
Looks like they are 2 months ahead of themselves, too.
It's not surprising, is it? So much money was spent on the thing and *if* Chani being story is true then no-wonder they had the down-time to ramp the thing's abilities up so high.

Took me an hour to get to sleep last night. I was thinking that this experience at NDC with CERN is feeling like a movie. Anyone that's a screenplay writer should get busy! The things we're talking about, not *us or NDC's property* is ripe, it's begging to be made into a movie and talk about poetic license! The writers could/can go any directions they wish, with it.
That "dance of destruction" is still puzzling me but sure gives writers a ton of angles.

CERN surely could do almost anything, and they must have several ideas that would put "a two-fer" to shame. Multi-purpose madness, I think.
(03-20-2015, 02:28 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Wow, nothing like cutting to the chase. I thought the contact with the other parallel world would be an accident. NOPE, they're trying for it. AND that's just the unclassified purpose, which means there are mind-boggling objectives too (as if that wasn't enough Smile )
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease

You see, there are no years..... re: Putin, it could have been after 15 May 2014 and people did do crazy things, trying to figure out where he went and what he was/is doing.

There was also a surge of earthquakes on and around April 17, 2014

Yup, a secret Japan war... ' a warring thing' was what was predicted - not an actual war
This stuff has been in the news a lot the past few days ....
I had a whole lot more and the forum ate it...... *L*

My question is, why has most of this stuff happened in the last few years?

1. many things go wrong 15 may because door opens with portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings
Is it that the people who built and are operating CERN don't fully understand the impact of the project on 'earth beings'?

5. japan warring thing will commencecing before 15 may secretely
It says 'japan warring thing'. A lot in the news of late about this: Japan's PM Can Address Congress Only If He Acknowledges War ... Huffington Post-Mar 19, 2015 ... Shinzo Abe should only be invited to address the U.S. Congress during an expected visit if he acknowledges Japan's World War Two past. (I think I already mentioned this.)

6. oil gets very big sickness no use anymore after 15 may
The BP oil spill caused a lot of sickness of animals, plants and people. Is the platform still in operation? no use anymore?

8. cheney will dimise be4 15 june (so Cheney dies AFTER the portal disaster?)
Demise generally means 'death' but it also means 'the end of existence or activity; termination: the demise of the streetcar; to transfer (sovereignty) by abdication or will. Sounds like Cheney's place in the world right now.

9. obama accident before 27 aperil
How about this? Booze-fueled car accident puts pressure on Obama ...
Mar 13, 2015 - A Secret Service agent allegedly involved in a driving accident after drinking said last year that the agency had a zero tolerance policy toward ...

10. big sickeness be4 15 may
It was so big, Eagle1!
BBC News - Ebola: Mapping the outbreak -
11 hours ago - The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its .

11. very moving earth on 17 aperils
There was a LOT of reporting about a world wide earthquake swarm on and around April 17, 2014.

12. oceone not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to come drown
That is a pretty broad statement. Atmospheric Rivers. The ocean never sleeps and these rivers start over and cross the ocean into California and dumps a LOT of rain from heaven.

13. brown cheat be4 15 may
This is the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. The world had it's eyes on this event and the cop got away scott free.
Sounds like a lot of cheating going on....

15. peoples use same eye shape war china everywere
This is another convoluted phrase. When isn't China at war somewhere be it with S. Korea or Japan or, oh ya, a monetary war. Then too, they are the biggest producer of junk in the entire world. Oil wars, anyone? And it seems China is at war with itself, too, by the way it operates. Cyber war? Space war?

16. 16 may u cee me also. me u friends 16 may ok we live godlike
Of course we'll remember you after we solve the mystery of the CHANI Project and we'll all feel pretty good about it, too - like mini gods.

I think that about covers the first bunch.... and you don't have to accept it.

me go bed now. ok.
It was hard to find this thread back. *L*

Around 150 dolphins stranded northeast of Tokyo, Japan

Dolphins stranded on Japan beach

Volunteers forced to abandon attempts to rescue 149 dolphins which beached on Japanese shore, with only three of the animals saved
Watch the Dolphins....
Yes, nevermind the scientists saying we're all over-reacting. It was only 50 of these that stranded themselves before that infamous Great Quake of 3-11-'11. Animals of course are often if not always indicators of quake action. If only more folks knew to watch the critters for quake because a lot of folks know they are indicators of harsh winters coming, for example.
This very shallow 5.3 quake hit only 200 approx. miles from Fukushima, almost due East in the water. Not good to see and hopefully not a foreshock.
Here is the piece that explains the May 15 date:
Thank you for linking us directly to this so we don't have to find it. I've been reluctant to enter the forum there---dunno why. I dig the website blogs/reports etc.

Wow, the writer was convinced that 2013 had to be the Fuse Year! Nope, and we can't know for sure if this year is, next or '17 but we dang sure can discern that it's very close, reading the societal storm-clouds.

PS, it's so cool to read this author's thoughts on the experiencing a taste of timelessness. This is one of the most fascinating things that committed Meditation does for us, or can do. Sorta blows my mind that I think 12 minutes has passed but 35 or more have sometimes.
I read this CHANI info very interested.
The entity itself never mentioned a year - just a moment 0000 when everything starts from the beginning again.
This is why I'm not sure how the entity experienced our time line. Maybe it recognized our time as cyclic or a stack of cycles.
So every year starts at january and ends in december. Every year has may, june and so on.
The entity stayed at may 15 - from its pov. And to make such predictions, it had to have a view from all the years in one instant and pick the events of interest.

Maybe their timeline is more straight - not so whirly as ours - years, months, days - circles in circles.
In their timeline they got rid of the moon. Not sure if they have days or years.

This is why I'm not sure how to interpret their predictions. A lot of them came already true. And some of them are pending. Furthermore: Must all of them come true until the fuse year? And the entity itself spoke from being not sure, possibly mistakes.

just a little food for thought
Alternate Solar System and Sister Sun


You've done previous readings, including a recent one, that mentions this other solar system that is merging with ours. Your latest mention said that it is now IN our solar system.

I see this happening more toward the end of May or early June.
It is cool that supposedly Chani said that those of us that are aware/awake souls will see two suns as we transition out of our timeline into theirs. Many Catholics believe in "The Great Warning" to come, and speak of seeing two suns. Others believe (I do too) that the Great Warning is when Wormwood crashes into one of our oceans. Maybe two suns are seen as Wormwood is approaching? If the thing is a ball of fire/light then it could perhaps give the illusion of two suns.
April 9, 2015 - Aalto University helps Native Americans relocate after whales warn of impending tsunami
(04-15-2015, 05:04 PM)Sherriann Wrote: April 9, 2015 - Aalto University helps Native Americans relocate after whales warn of impending tsunami

Dang. All I get is a blank page. I'm starting to feel like Charlie Brown here. Big Grin

ETA: Googled the story and found it. Off to read now.
(04-15-2015, 07:20 PM)DLP Wrote:
(04-15-2015, 05:04 PM)Sherriann Wrote: April 9, 2015 - Aalto University helps Native Americans relocate after whales warn of impending tsunami

Dang. All I get is a blank page. I'm starting to feel like Charlie Brown here.  Big Grin

ETA: Googled the story and found it. Off to read now.

So do I now........ Yup. have to Google it.
You saw Chani on the eve of May 15th. There is a reason for the timing.
Dolphin Hana of Vancouver Aquarium dies despite 'breakthrough' surgery

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