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5/6/15 Red Alert: New Trade Deal
I’m convinced that this run is special. I feel like there’s not a single section today that isn’t imminently important. I’d like to start with the bottom of the list today at Group 4. Interestingly, this isn’t my favorite section, but when I read it, the words “Noah’s ark” sprung out at me. I don’t think I’m talking about a big ol flood again, but rather I saw the image like this: PORTAL (i.e., CERN) = Noah’s Ark. I believe the words SHIP and CREATURE WILD is where the Noah’s Ark idea originated.

If I was given one word to describe this run, I’d probably say “Transpersonal.” I mean let’s face it, we have Excellent Magic, Exotic Meditation, and we also have a command to TRUST your JOURNAL as you document your DREAM CEREMONIES. The exception to the Transpersonal descriptor is Group 1, which does have a Red Alert word: PROMOTION. Let’s talk about that for second.

Group 1 is all about the Trade deal that is currently going down in Washington, called the Trade Promotion Authority . It’s also the same trend we’ve seen from so many recent legislations, namely, Obamacare, Patriot Act, etc. In other words, it appears that they demand the Senate to vote on the matter without providing any real meat or substance as to what the legislation will do. Interestingly, everything you read from both sides of the argument have everything to do with JOBS. In fact, how funny is this….the pro-TPA group says that it will increase American jobs, while the anti-TPA group says that it will create a huge loss of jobs. Wow, it doesn’t get any more polarized than that, but what do you really expect when you don’t know what the actual legislation is all about?

From my perspective it appears that this is one more way that the American dictator will seal his position. “Under a TPA, Congress would maintain a powerful voice over whether the U.S. would enter into the TPP agreement.” Of course this statement comes from a magazine that will apparently benefit from the TPA. The truth comes out in the next sentence: “However, Congress would only have the ability to conduct an up or down vote on the deal, Congress would not have the ability to amend the trade deal.”

Re-read that again. If approved, the TPA takes CONgress out of the picture! Anyone see the dichotomy here? CONgress is being asked to vote to kill themselves, in terms of overseeing their constitutional mandates (economic matters). Furthermore, I find it HILARIOUS that the pro-TPA camp provides no specific language. Tell me how much of this agreement that Sen. Isakson knows, as you read his argument FOR the TPA:

"Trade promotion authority is good for America. It’s good for our country and it’s good for our economy," said the Georgia Republican in Saturday's GOP address. "It's good for middle-class American families who will reap the benefits of more jobs.“"The legislation will go for six years and requires presidents of either party to consult with Congress before final approval of any agreement," he said. "Congress still has the final say in approving a trade agreement."
Wait a second….CONSULT? That’s it? The President has to CONSULT the Congress? What a joke. Want more nonsensical drivel?

"This project will make the city of Savannah, the state of Georgia, and the entire Southeast a hub of global imports and exports," said Isakson. "But if we don’t pass trade promotion authority, we will risk losing all those goods and services they carry, going elsewhere around the world.“

In conclusion, we have a big old Red Alert staring us in the face, and it has to do with the Trade Promotion Authority. This article’s title says it all: “Sessions: If TPP Is Good Deal, Let Congress See Details”

Sorry, one more thing. I put a red bracket around an area of the linguistics that I thought was important; however, it feels like several of the words in the area need to be weeded out before we can interpret the underlying meaning.

[Image: 20150506%20trade%20deal.jpg]

UP Words:     promotion series correctly longest study job henry exploration comfort play bones lion dialogue meditation ancient exotic excellent magic public outdoors weekly review shit wait rain tape ceremony dream bonus trust journal generic locked

DOWN Words:   doll spirit definitely awesome interesting creating idea fairly visual perhaps float daughter april cat mirror style knife situation portal reality save brain test teeth ship action creature wild rift class wow virtual sun persistent invades
Group 1 may be as you are think Eagle. It may also be simply about graduation, from college. Series of college graduations, Promotions, are taking place across the country and most graduates will feel like it has been the "Longest Study" of there lives and hope this is the Correct(ly) path to a good Job. Additionally, most parents Tape the Ceremony. If it is a Public Outdoor ceremony, officials will say "Shit" if it Rains and Wait a bit.
promotion series correctly longest study job...public outdoors... shit rain wait tape ceremony
Henry exploration comfort.
Well, that speaks for itself if you remember the weed memes.
Also, TPA and Graduation can both be correct. We have had runs where words mean more than one thing. It works for both.
promotion series correctly longest study job henry exploration comfort play bones lion dialogue meditation ancient exotic excellent magic public outdoors weekly review shit wait rain tape ceremony dream bonus trust journal generic locked

What? Watch for a BIG announcement about the publication of a series involving a very long study/exploration by a man named Henry (or at least the name Henry being involved) which results in a large (lion) dialogue that people will be thinking deeply about (meditation). It's a magical ancient and exotic exploration that will be given a weekly review outdoors.

Perhaps it is this outdoor initial review that will be rained out so they won't be able to tape it (journal) and store the event in the generic way that this stuff is stored (locked away). *L*

Where? Best guess, the Amazon.

When? Best guess, within the next three weeks.
David "Henry" is one of three arrested for impersonating/"play"ing cop, and yeah, he did some "exploring" in that role, it could be said.

Henry has been in several runs. Such a common name so is this more than one being dreamed about?

(05-06-2015, 12:51 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Henry exploration comfort.  
Well, that speaks for itself if you remember the weed memes.
Also,  TPA and Graduation can both be correct. We have had runs where words mean more than one thing. It works for both.

I like Group 3 about "trust dream journal!"

Group 2 about "ancient meditation." Reminds me of a leather? box ancient Jews, and maybe some today wrap around their wrists, and something about the forehead where the third eye is.....tying it where the box is over the third eye? so vague now....(my own meditation is to be aware of this area as well as the whole body or even just hand, for beginners) But, what's this about? Yes, meditation is almost "magic" in ways. Can heal and much more.

Loaded botrun and phone's kept me busy, so time to read.

Cool that you're so fascinated with Group 4. I shouldn't ignore it. It even could have "meditation" reference in it. "reality portal save brain" bingo to meditation there even if coincidence! Then "virtual sun" much lower down, yes meditation. A light can shine, subtly yes during meditation and no I don't mean everytime by any means. "wild creature" well we all, it is rightly said, struggle with our demons. Meditation can pierce a veil and us see something ugly during meditation as the opposing sides of The Force battle, and we get a peek.

Thank you for bringing out attention to TPA---something I have not paid a bit of attention to! Unlike me but dang for ignorance is bliss...or was, on this thing. Excellent briefing today. Yet another "I guess we'll just have to PASS it to see what's in it!! Insane and illegal as could be.

This could be one of the best threads in the dreambot forum! I absolutely love everyone's contribution here!

Nanny, interesting you brought out the fake cop article. I keep seeing more and more unmarked police cars, and I've since determined that if I ever see one of these concealed cars behind me flashing their lights repeatedly, as if to pull me over, I will not pull over. And when I go to court, I will make the argument that I have absolutely no way to verify that this was a cop or a criminal. With so many people getting pulled over by criminals lately, such as with your example, makes me not want to pull over for marked cars either! Smile
Agreed, we cannot pull-over for a light on an un marked car. Anyone can get ahold of a uniform and a light. I think I might put on my emergency blinkers and keep driving, and towards a police station if I knew where one was, or something. (This brings to mind something I'll go put in the comedy/relaxing thread here...I think you'll like it. (True story, an idea I had for a group of sistahs at a website years ago)

(05-06-2015, 04:00 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: This could be one of the best threads in the dreambot forum! I absolutely love everyone's contribution here!

Nanny, interesting you brought out the fake cop article. I keep seeing more and more unmarked police cars, and I've since determined that if I ever see one of these concealed cars behind me flashing their lights repeatedly, as if to pull me over, I will not pull over. And when I go to court, I will make the argument that I have absolutely no way to verify that this was a cop or a criminal. With so many people getting pulled over by criminals lately, such as with your example, makes me not want to pull over for marked cars either! Smile
unfortunately they might just kill you if you don't pull over
We do live in nutty times, so somewhere, I guess this could happen but I think with most cops, no, but then most cops wouldn't do this in an unmarked car. Guess this would help if we knew we had done nothing to bring someone behind us with a light on.
Go to the nearest parking lot of some place with plenty of people? with emergency lights on and only stop with several witnesses?

Shouldn't we chat on oh, that thread about the fake cops or soemthing? or get something else IN the botrun to talk about? I see we're chatting on this thread, Eagle1 are we outta bounds here, now?

(05-06-2015, 04:16 PM)still Wrote: unfortunately they might just kill you if you don't pull over
Coolio, another neat hit here for dreambot.

The Red Alert was for the mysterious, half-secret trade deal, and I spent some time talking about why this run was implicating such. Here's what I did NOT foresee, however...I didn't expect the the linguistics in the DOWN section to apply to our Red Alert. The section that said, "test teeth ship action creature wild rift class wow" is now a hit. "Test teeth ship" = Obama test whether he has enough teeth to start dictating the shipping industry with this new deal. The "creature wild" is Obama, and now it's caused a huge RIFT in the Democrat CLASS....

" A rift widened between President Barack Obama and liberal Democrats in Congress over trade as he and Senator Elizabeth Warren renewed their gripes a day before a key vote on a potential deal with Pacific nations.

Warren disputed assurances Obama has given on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, warning of dangers to consumer, health and labor protections in U.S. law under potential trade deals. She argued that fast-track negotiating authority Obama seeks would help Wall Street roll back rules imposed on banks after the 2008 financial crisis."

But now that RIFT is fulfilled, watch out folks, watch out for what's coming from left field. After the linguistics phrase above, the lingo goes on to say, "virtual sun persistent invades"

I"m not sure if SUN is literal here, and I honestly don't even know if SUN belongs in my hunch. I'm most worried about the "PERSISTENT INVADES" because it comes right after the RIFT that just came true. So, either the SUN starts shooting CME's at us PERSISTENTLY, or the inevitable false flag ISIS invasion is imminent.

Either way, Yikes.
'Sun' is another word that has been prevalent in runs and the other day my brain had a thought about what the ISIS flag looks like with its white circle re: sun. So now that you mention it, I went looking and found this:

[Image: 330px-Flag_of_JTJ.svg.png]

"virtual sun persistent invades"  Are we looking at a cyber attack?

Remember this?
Red Alert for "Conditioning Exercise," which is what alternative news is claiming for Jade Helm
UP Words:     conditioning exercise skinned chilling neither interaction reasonable nor attorney thursday void bass organization nova coaster texas teeth grip defeat president fart inspired responsible butter statue status duck determine condition reload ways legal balls
This is so cool. is being "blamed" for Obamatrade bill failing to pass!

What a wonderful honor to be blamed for this.
(05-06-2015, 01:31 PM)Sherriann Wrote: promotion series correctly longest study job henry exploration comfort play bones lion dialogue meditation ancient exotic excellent magic public outdoors weekly review shit wait rain tape ceremony dream bonus trust journal generic locked

What? Watch for a BIG announcement about the publication of a series involving a very long study/exploration by a man named Henry (or at least the name Henry being involved) which results in a large (lion) dialogue that people will be thinking deeply about (meditation). It's a magical ancient and exotic exploration that will be given a weekly review outdoors.

Perhaps it is this outdoor initial review that will be rained out so they won't be able to tape it (journal) and store the event in the generic way that this stuff is stored (locked away). *L*

Where? Best guess, the Amazon.

When? Best guess, within the next three weeks.

I had no idea that this documentary even existed until today. Cool

New on video.....

Although aired by PBS (Public Broadcasting System) in April, the series Inside the Court of Henry VIII became available on video in June.

promotion series correctly longest study job henry exploration comfort play bones lion dialogue meditation ancient exotic excellent magic public outdoors weekly review shit wait rain tape ceremony dream bonus trust journal generic locked
New on video -
"Inside the Court of Henry VIII": Peter Chinn film about the intrigue and politics of the royal court."
Oh, that is cool! Great prediction.

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