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Checking Forum thru the day
I have been off and on this website since Sept. 2014, only posting my dreams when I feel they need to be posted.
Right now I have an overwhelming feeling to check the Forum multiple times a day. Is anyone else feeling the same way or is the norm for you?
Uh,'ve got an amazing sense for this stuff! I'm working on a Red Alert for this morning, which seems to be one of the biggest memes thus far. Strangely, anything and everything has happened this morning to distract me, and thus the run has not yet been published. Will need your help, though, after the run is posted.
i feel like a stalker I check so much. about every 30-60 min I see if anyone posted anything...
Still - Thanks for the reply. Comforting to know there is another stalker here. You made LOL in a very quiet office. It's ok though, they already think I am a little strange.

Is there a "NDC Forum 101" instructions I can read up on? I don't know what Eagle 1 meant by: Will need your help, though, after the run is posted.
he might send you a pm and ask if you could help him in some way with the post.

lol@ LOL in a quiet office Big Grin
Well, it can be habit forming...just saying. Tongue
Still - What did you mean by " he might send you a pm and ask if you could help him in some way with the post"? Help how?
no. actual maybe something along the lines of "can you see this post if you are logged out?" Smile

or the other , too, is possible Smile

lol too true tb9
Sorry for unclear message, Julie. Just would like to have your take on the Red Alert today. Your personal interpretation is welcome and encouraged. That's what I meant by "help." Smile
Eagle 1 - Thanks for the info. Sometimes I have a "knowing" and know it's not my own thinking. I think of it as coming from the "Holy Spirit".

Something I picked up on just now: "Eagle 1 is a Happy Camper".
Julie, I am on here off and on all day and night. Never know when I might learn something I did not know, hear about something I have been thinking about or just find a friend. It is a good place to loiter!
How often I'm here depends on what's going on in my life. I've been here more than usual the past week or so, mainly because I've been dealing with the aftereffects of a massive energy shift in my personal energy. Sometimes I'm gone for days, sometimes I have just enough time to check the botrun and then I'm gone again.
Julie, gal talk about always here...I forget I left this thing on because my computer goes from screen saver mode to totally asleep and not lit-up. So, I come back later, have even bumped the mouse before, having forgotten it was on and me logged-in. BUT...

this is because I can't resist peeking often. Not just because I welcome folks but y'all are a gifted bunch and we're apparently all intuitives, as I think this is a very common gift just unrealized by millions. So, at any time one of you may post something that resonates loudly with me, even "alerting" about something so you bet I look a lot.

However, you feel compelled to look today more than usual, or lately for a few days? I think you said today. What will happen, God-forbid a Great Quake or event is coming to the earth today? Quake would be my guess, that's my vibe.
(05-18-2015, 09:48 AM)Julie111957 Wrote: I have been off and on this website since Sept. 2014, only posting my dreams when I feel they need to be posted.
Right now I have an overwhelming feeling to check the Forum multiple times a day. Is anyone else feeling the same way or is the norm for you?

I joined a month ago today. The first few days I had dreams to record, then suddenly my dreams stopped being vivid enough to share, barely able to remember any of them. I travel extensively for work (120 days last year) but I still come and look almost every day if I'm not on the road. It's difficult to check in on my smartphone, but I try. It's become routine and I feel like I'm missing out if I don't. Even if I'm just reading, and not posting. Summer is heavy travel for me, so I hope I can continue to check in, since I do experience a "need" to.
XeeMay, et al.,

I just got finished visiting with a large gathering of family members, and I just realized something poignant. I was speaking with some pretty educated and aware individuals, but none of them were keenly aware of the biggest things going on in current affairs. I was shocked, actually. They were starting conversations about chem trails and other cool topics, but then I mentioned some of the top memes we've been talking about here, and they all turned stone-faced (meaning they thought they were at the cutting edge of current affairs but suddenly realized that they were not).

I guess my point is that even though we currently have a small amount of people regularly posting (despite having thousands of unique visitors each month), THIS WEBSITE is literally at the very cutting edge of reality! I took it for granted that we have some really early looks into the various possible future scenarios, and just about every topic area is accounted for, from food to entertainment and sports to military and finance. The contributors on this site are extremely illuminating. This puts us on the cutting edge.....of reality.

My creative mind is swirling with new ideas. No, no, Windy, don't big changes yet. However, going forward I think we do need to at least acknowledge that we have a hidden talent: Identifying or just being aware of the most important collective topics that are coming short term and medium term. I think this is a natural by-product of actively trying to forecast the future. Dreams are so diverse and colorful, allowing us to really hone in on what is most important in our collective reality.

Where am I going with this? In addition to future predictions, I think I'd like to start a new page or calendar or forum where we simply talk about POSSIBLE futures. Yo, AwakenedDreamer, this would be the re-institution of P3 because it would have to be a delicate mixture of P1 and P2. Sorry I don't have time to go into the details but not to worry....its all saved in the back of my brain Cool
Quality above quantity! This is what you've got here and yet thankfully, it's growing. It only takes one match to start a fire and just a handful of the most-aware, awake souls can do untold things. Even bible says that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

It's gonna be fun to hear the rest of your "back brain treasure." Already, we talk of "possible futures" a lot. So, you must have in-mind a "home" for it with direct focus, and I'll hush, not trying to second-guess you. Curious in a good way.... Idea
Well, at least our brains are not going to waist. Think of all the reading we are doing and how our minds are expanding. It is impossible for a NDC member to stay stagnant. What we know right now is different from what we understand tomorrow and different again from what we once knew. I thought I knew what aquarium was until I discovered THE aquarium. I can only imagine what aquarium will mean in the future.

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