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Life at the Start of collapse
I had a very disturbing dream last night about what life will be like during or at the very beginning of a crash of society. I was living in a row house in a urban city which I believed was Baltimore. I was right on the end and I was in the middle of remodeling it when the events of the crash started picking up speed. Society hadn't quite fallen completely at this time but the winds of change were blowing fast. Many people were streaming by my row house and many were very desperate. Black, white, mexican you name it. Many then began to try and pour into my lobby area and beg for food, for work, for anything at all. When crowd gathered I immediately began shouting at them to get out of here. One of the younger kids screamed back at me that they have no choice and they are starving out here for gods sake!! And his face and voice were 20 notches above mine, full of the power of desperation. It shocked me to the core and I gave the crowd a breakfast sandwich I had in my hand. It was then I realized, that number one, things have changed and starving/homeless people weren't annoyances anymore and number two...that I had to leave as soon as possible as there was no way I could defend myself against the hordes of starving people who were going to rip me and my house apart for a scrap to eat. Very stark realization of what things will REALLY be like when TSHTF.

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Life at the Start of collapse - by bmohr - 05-24-2010, 05:44 AM

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