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death on a bridge
I had this dream several years ago. However, unlike most of my dreams, in addition to being very vivid it has stayed with me. I find that instances/occurences in my everyday waking life will recall this dream to my mind, to the point that this dream seems more like a memory than a dream.

It is late afternoon/early evening, probably in early summer. The sun is setting, orange and yellow and red through the smoke that is rising above a cityscape/urban landscape. Somewhere, not too far away, lots of stuff is burning. I can taste it. I am above the city, on a bridge, looking out over the scene. I am kneeling on the pavement, with my hands either cuffed or tied behind my back. I am just one of a long line of people (mostly men, I think) all in a similiar position. From off to one side, out of my field of vision, I hear gunshots, one at a time, coming closer. We are being executed, one by one, with a bullet to the back of the head. The guy to my right is a scrawny, youngish hillbilly-looking dude, with a dirty, unshaven face and deep, hollow eyes, wearing woodland camo pattern fatigue pants and a Metallica t-shirt. We look at each other as the shots grow louder, knowing what is about to happen. He looks like I feel - calm, unafraid, accepting.Suddenly there is a shot, very loud, and he pitches forward as his face erupts in a red mist. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and... brilliant flash of light and a gigantic wet sandbag explodes into the back of my head.

Dream over

Messages In This Thread
death on a bridge - by Fubar, Lord of Inconvenience - 05-24-2010, 07:05 PM

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