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a little bit of everything
I didn't want to get up when the alarm went off as I wanted to finish this dream...........I had to go to a dream book to look up the symbols but nothing resonated, so make up your own mind- here goes-
Many folks who've crossed over are walking by.
I am climbing a staircase to my office and see my boss. We greet each other with a slap on the back and my boss says "we have a conference to go to follow me".
I follow him to a small boat which only floats by in no hurry. ( sense of 'no time/spce') My boss is at the rudder and I turn to look at him as an island is coming up on the horizon. Suddenly he warps into Roy Scheider (JAWS)and now deceased, I wonder if we are in danger of sharks in the boat or is the conference going to be full of sharks?
I see the island coming up and notice how brilliant the colors are on all the flowers and trees!
The skipper says to me, " Enjoy them while you can as they are going under and this waterway is dead."
In disbelief I look at him and behold he is no longer Roy S but looks like Dean Martin (who is also dead)! He is smirking at me. He shakes his head as though in regret and turns the rudder toward another shore.Now I wonder if this is the river Styxx and not the South Pacific!
I am asking myself, why the f--k am I dreaming of a Las Vegas crooner who could've been mafia related or something? Am I gonna get 'hosed' at this conference, or do I work for a bunch of bankster crooks?"
We dock the boat and step on shore. A large modern building that looks like Microsoft but lined in gold, is ahead of us. Everyone is dressed in brown gabardine suits with matching hankies hanging out of their lapel pockets. My bosses' hankie is missing.
My mother (who is dead too) comes out of an office to hand him a hankie, she winks at me and walks off.
Now I am confused and growing concerned. Everyone is dead and I wonder if I am supposed to be too.
Gorgeous islands with tropical flowers are going bye bye, waterways are dying and everyone is dressed in ugly earth colored expensive brown suits.
I turn to my boss and ask if an earthquake like "The Big One" causes all of this and is that the reason for the brown suits or are we all covered in dirt like in a grave and is that the symbology?
Or perhaps the stock market tanks and we are all now dirt poor and can't afford color in our lives?
Then someone in the office turns on a TV and an old TV game show comes on called "What's My Line?'
All contestants ave blind folds on and are celebrities. The Queen of UK, IMF CEO, the Pope, and four others. Looks like a line up for the Bilderberg group or G20. They are interviewing another celebrity and trying to guess who he is and what he does.
A trumpet sounds three notes of music not on an earthly scale. The notes "J", "K", "L"blare out in a Quabbalistic fashion and suddenly the guest morphs into a Lizard. The celebrity contestants do too.They take off their blindfolds, tongues darting out and are all wild eyed and ecstatic.
The Lizards announce their "Line" is to eat the audience. They take off into the audience to have lunch and the TV viewers in the office all start laughing. They think its a joke, like a sit com.
Now I am confused as to what is real and what is dream.
So I woke up at the alarm in a state of " What the crap just happened in that dream?'It felt like the Matrix, and I wondered where Neo went.

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a little bit of everything - by Jay Avatar - 06-07-2010, 07:07 PM

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