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Snowing in Miami and knowing what happened before it does
I was in this place walking around in the dark, and I realised it was Miami, and the back garden of the house from my past only that it was from the perspective of the future and knowing future events were about to take place. It was dark and there were snowflakes being illuminated by the light from street lamps and I looked over to the distance which seemed to be north east of the area and recalled that in the future a huge explosion was going to take place. Meanwhile I had come to the realisation that it was SNOWING in MIAMI in the middle of JUNE! I knew that something was wrong with that, and it was so vivid I caught myself repeating this, that I am standing here looking at this snow falling which should not be falling.. and I wondered if it was because of chemicals in the air or something. And I wondered if that explosion in the distance I was remembering from the future WAS in fact in the direction of Iran or IsRae22l.

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Snowing in Miami and knowing what happened before it does - by AlterEgoTrip - 06-26-2010, 12:31 PM

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