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Same boat
I've had this dream three times over the last several years: The last time was about 2yrs ago.
I'm in a boat, at night, in a flooded city. This is a big city with skyscrapers many stories high. It's late at night or just very dark. We have a lamp and we are rowing through the downtown area looking for anyone else. There are two other people in the boat with me, and I recognize them as friends within the dream structure, (I see there faces clearly), but I don't know them in awake life. I'm calling out to see if we can find anyone, but I really get the feeling that we are very alone. The dream is always in the same location, same scenerio and has never gone beyond that point. Now the real weird part is that I'm dreaming this from above. I can see myself, but It's like an out of body experience.

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Same boat - by tommy06 - 06-26-2010, 06:56 PM

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