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Gulf Oil Geysers and Zombies in the Bayou
The dream basically started off with my getting on a boat and heading out to go fishing up some canal in the Gulf of Mexico. A man in the dream said that if we head up such and such canal we can still find fish. While on the boat (which I wasn't driving) I was able to see the waters slowly getting more and more oil filled until we were cruising on top of huge amounts of oil. The boat made a sharp right and turn and when I looked to my left I was ground zero of the oil leak. I saw a number of oil platforms and all around the oil was shooting up hundreds of feet, as if they were true oil geysers. It looked very panicked. I was at that point I was splashed with oil water and covered from head to toe. We went through a canal with high cliffs on either side. When I reached the other side of the canal the dream shifted to being on a bridge and watching what looked like a poorly edited and CG video of a plane flying into a huge bridge. (I guess my boat turned into a car) I felt no panick because I believed it was a fake, though I still had to get off the bridge. I drove underneath a semi that was going out of control. The dream then shifted to an old rickety house that was long and looked like about 3 houses combined into one. I got the sense that I was in the south because of the shape/style/condition of the house (not that all the south is bad) Zombies were attacking and I had to fend them off to protect two children that were with me. Along with the two children was a "Milla Jovavich character as from Resident Evil Trilogy" but it wasn't exactly here. We fought off another wave of zombies before a huge biker guy came and helped us clear out the zombies that were attacking. He informed us that they only attack once per day and we should be ok for a bit. I asked him how he was fairing and he said that he was doing good, though he did get scratched by a zombie. At that point I told him that I had to kill him before he turned into a zombie. He didn't fight me and understood. (insert graphic scene of mutilating this guy to be sure he was completely dead and couldn't come back) The four of us (me, milla, and the kids) then went down a hallway where there was a meeting of a few more people in a room that were preparing for the next wave. The wave soon came, though the zombies were more exploring the house rather than just attacking us. I grabbed a stick and cought it on fire to protect myself, knowing that fire into the head would kill them faster. I went into a room were two zombies were talking while one smoked a cigarette and I proceded to attack them before they realized that I was alive still. I got one of them and I woke up before the other was able to act. End Dream

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Gulf Oil Geysers and Zombies in the Bayou - by WEagleHunting - 07-12-2010, 12:09 PM

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