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Heart and Music join us together
This dream started out with me being the lead in a musical and the us being at the end of the show, where the whole cast gets together and sings "Heart and Music" from William Finn's "A New Brain." After the song the dream cut to somehow me being captured and being put into a concentration/ intern camp that was in a huge building. There were many of us that had to do hard labor for things that I didn't know in the dream, but everyone was worn down, tired and scared of the controllers of the camp. There were few controllers but they held a sort of fear over everyone. I sooned learned of the rebellion that was building in the camp. As tensions rose, I found that I had my gerber knife that was hidden to where I only knew where it was. I also found myself with a plastic knife and I had the thought that maybe I could fake kill the controllers and somehow get away. I attempted to fake kill them, as not to do any real harm to them as they were still people. It didn't work and they two peolple that I attempted it on, which I believe were the head people fo the camp, scolded me and said that I was going to regret doing that. I ran away from them before they could get me and then suddenly the whole camp broke out into "Heart and Music" again, in which I was the lead vocal for the song and everyone in the camp knew the song and sang it along with me. The song created some beautiful things and joined the camp onto a level that I can't describe now. The effect was so great that it turned some of the controllers onto our side. The two leaders of the camp that I had tried to fake kill before were now there and still angry for what had just happened. I then realized that I had my Gerber with me on my side at that moment and I knew what I had to do. I walked up to the woman leader (who was obese and clearly the true head to the operation) and I said a few words to her and then pulled out my knife and slit her throat. The other leader (who was a average built man) started to run and I quickly was right behind him and grabbed him from behind and slit his throat. We were then free to escape. My dad came and picked my up, apologizing for not being there, but was glad that I handled the sitruation the way I did. Few other things happened after that, but not relating to anything calamity worthy, more things with my personal life. End Dream

*wierd thing that I just notice when going below to type in the validation letters... the letters I needed to type to verify I am not a bot are VMGFS, but typed into the box was the word ravened... I know that i did not type this and as far as I can tell, I had no ravens or ravened in my dream... also, my left palm started itching while typing this last paragraph... weird!!!

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Heart and Music join us together - by WEagleHunting - 07-12-2010, 12:25 PM

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