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"There Is No Bread"
Dream: In a local grocery store, Goleta, CA. Looking at the "bread aisle", there are only about 15 loaves of bread of approx. 3-5 types/brands. It is a small section, but there were floral-type baskets aligned twoper vertical column with one loaf in each. There were some loaves along the bottom. In my dream, a light dream-state, semi-aware, I actually started to count the loaves, but the number isn't quite exact, nevertheless. The "bread section" was close to the end of the aisle, and the aisle was terminated (an open 'T') with another display of bread, but it was that nutritionally-challenged 'Wonder' bread, a much fuller display, which I counted about 30 loaves. This is a grocery store that serves thousands!
Dream cut to WWII-era Germany, on a moving train, with about 5 German soldiers, maybe 4 enlisted, and one officer. The enlistedsoldier facing the officer said, "We want bread!" not so much a demand, as that wouldn't be richtig (militarily proper), but more just a whining statement with a sense ofthat German cultural rightness. (The few words the soldierssaid were in German, and I speak some German in real life.) Immediately the officer replied: "There is no bread!"
Interpretation and further notes: I don't think this was precognitive as much as a composite, a synthesis, a modelof current trends discussed in the webbot {think tank}. These trends include: shopping shelves being manipulated to make it look like fewer items and quantities are more plentiful than they actually are, the potential for food shortages, already realized personal lack of (good) bread (which I love) replaced by rice, beans, potatoes, etc., the rise of visible totalitarianism in the United States and world, and also parallels to WWII Germany, Nazi's, etc. I should add that the German soldiers wereclearly void of regalia, which was odd. I assumed the officer by bearing and the deference of the others. There was also a feeling, a clear but subtle suggestion that there were people on the train being taken to concentration camps, which adds newdepth to the interpretation of the soldier's discussion. Again, I want to stress that I think this dream was more of my conscious mind calculating a model, than interpretation of what is actually "out there". In support of this, the few German words spoken were only words that I am very familiar with, not a likely scenario if this was actually channeling.

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"There Is No Bread" - by Backenstein - 07-30-2010, 11:24 AM

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