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Asteroids and Alien Ships

7/30/2010 6 am
I was working outside in a field with someone else. It was late Summer, a hot, sunny day. Suddenly, the sky darkened. We thought it was an eclipse at first, but it came on faster than an eclipse. Also, the 'moon' that was blocking the sun started growing.
In fact, it was a very large asteroid, headed towards us in space. We began to see features on its surface; it was big enough to have meteor craters of its own. We saw other space objects that seemed to be banging into it, or flying off of it.
As the asteroid got closer, we could see large numbers of shining spacecraft, backlit by the sun behind the asteroid. They were breaking it up to prevent it from destroying the earth. Most went into space, but some chunks hit the earth as close as 30 miles to our field. A nearby city was on fire. Winds would howl for a while, and then calm again. Finally, the largest chunk of asteroid was split, and its pieces seemed to miss the earth. The sun returned.
The fleet of ships began to land. Some were silver, but the one that landed nearest to us was spindly and brightly colored in red, blue, and orange. It had spherical 'knobs' in the front where the crew lived, and a bank of drives in the back connected by the spindles. This was an interstellar transport.
encounters refused
I was not afraid of the aliens. Immediately, I travelled to the city plaza where the craft had landed. I wanted to thank them for a job well done, and I had a message for them. When I got there, the place was packed already. A tent awning had been set up in front of the spacecraft door. People were swarming in and out of the awning.
When I approached, two very muscular security guards in dark glasses and t-shirts caught my arms, and pushed me away. I thought there was a mistake, but again they kept me from entering. One of them shook his head slightly. I was not to be allowed inside. I somehow knew that I was refused because I had an ability, a knowledge, and a message. The security guards were not from the space travelers, but from someone else who was trying to control their contacts.
"How did the guards recognize me?" I wondered. Then, an alien came out from the awning, saw me, smiled and waved, and came out to me. The guards were unable to stop him.
End of dream

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Asteroids and Alien Ships - by ablelba - 07-31-2010, 07:58 AM

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