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The worst show I ever played
I'm a musician. I had this dream last night,
I was playing a show, it seemed to be a reunion gig for a band I used to sing for. It was a band I had started and put together with myself as a bass player, but only became the lead singer for after trying someone else out for some time and later 'letting him go'. There was a full room and other bands on the bill scheduled to play that night. We started by playing our flagship song that I had written about picking yourself up and moving on after (enter the metaphor) a wave comes along and washes away the life you had known up until then.
I remember singing the entire epic song, verses, choruses, the bridge, every word, every note. The strange thing was that while performing, I turned around to see my band and I noticed extra guitar players, one relatively poor player, an old friend from my first band as a teenager, and another who played expertly but I didn't recognize him at all. As the song progressed, technical problems ensued, equipment started to fail, performances were getting sloppy. After the song was over I remember becoming very frustrated as my band tried to get their gear working again to no avail. When I turned around again I saw that the that the crowd had disappeared. I walked back towards the drum-kit where my drummer and close friend (who had played as brilliantly that night as he ever does) then informed me that we had gone way over the schedueled set time and everyone, including the other bands who were supposed to play, had left the venue. I then became infuriated and unplugged my microphone, threw the cable in the air and said to my drummer "let's get the **** out of here". I then went outside.
It was daylight, I don't remember much about where I was except it was a clearing of some sort and standing there next to me, was another friend and the ORIGINAL singer that I alluded to earlier, for the band that I just had an awful performance with, a man who many times sung the same song I had just sang. No conversation took place before the ground began to subtly vibrate in an eerily familiar way. I knew it was an earthquake. I said to my friend "can you feel that?". He looked back at me in silence but with an expression of great concern on his face as if trying to find a way to deny what he surely knew was happening. Then the ground suddenly began to shake violently and we both lost our footing and fell backwards as the earth cracked and split right between us.
That's all I remember. I posted this because I've never had an earthquake in any dream I've ever remembered. It was a vivid and unmistakable sensation.

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The worst show I ever played - by Kefka - 08-02-2010, 06:42 PM

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