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The Beast
I have remebered this dream for 30 years.

I'm 6 years oldat the time of dreaming.
My mothers family is gathered at a small school gymnasium. We are all there and wearing church clothes waiting for my grandfather to arrive. In life my grandfather was a pentecostal minster, and a fiery Ukranian son of a farmer.

The family waited together, some of us were sobbing, others looked shocked or uncertain. A procession entered. There was a priest, an executioner and a large Gorilla/Sasquatch? escourting my grandfather into the gymnasium. I remeber seeing thathe had on very simple linen clothes and knitted woolen socks. He was going to a guillotine to have his head off. The dream cut off and was followed by another dream that showed only people frontasl lobes being surgically implanted with credit cards. It was very odd, I remeber not being afraid when I woke up. I'm certain this dream was the product of brainwashing.

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The Beast - by Mysoma - 08-02-2010, 08:02 PM

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