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Dimensional Veil Collapses
Last night I dreamed I was watching a man fly a kite with a golden key on it, like in the Ben Franklin discovers electricity in lightening story.
This man was flying this kite high in the sky, and there was a huge solar flare that hit the earth, and what was blue sky rolled back around the kite like paper burnt from a flame so that another sky began to show through.
Another man quickly ran up to touch the gold key, and when he touched it the blue sky continued to burn away leaving a new sky with different star patterns and rich colors. It made our old sky look like a paint by numbers compared to a Rembrandt.
Then a voice said "Just as how lightening brought in the industrial age of Ben Franklin, so shall lightening bring in the golden age".
There was this very clear connection to spirit of discovery and exploration of Ben Franklin to this new sky that was appearing in our time and lightening.

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Dimensional Veil Collapses - by Finite Statist Machine - 08-22-2010, 09:21 PM

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