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Crashing spheres and dogs from space
Had a very vivid dream night before last. Went like this: Big crashing noise and shaking woke me up. I wandered outside the house to find throngs of people in the street and looking off to the east-north-east; from here, that is the "flats" or heading away from the foothills towards the great plains. The dark night horizon was glowing in a couple of places and the clouds are lit up with the glowing of fires on the ground. Everyone was looking up at the glowing clouds and I realized that they weren"t looking at the glow, but that there were these spheres penetrating the cloud layer far above and crashing into the ground.
As the spheres came through the cloud layer, the spheres fluoresced, green, blue, orange & black (if black can fluoresce). The spheres had like fluorescent vapor trail behind them and when they landed, there was huge crashing sounds, but we could not see the impact points due to the late summer tree-line. My neighbor and I got this idea to cross the street and climb to the roof of a three story school office building. A couple other neighbors went along. We forced the doors of the office building and started to make our way to the stairway. The lights were off in the building and the only illumination was from the parking lot lights coming through the windows.
Before our little group could make it down the hallway to the stairwell, a brick wall near one of the men seamed to wobble and waiver, like ripples on a pond"s surface, and out of the wall came two sets of hands and arms and grabbed the lead man. The man went straight into the wall and disappeared, leaving only the brick wall. Needless to say, that freaked the rest of us the heck out and we back-peddled with haste back out the doors and into the street. Now the people in the street were very agitated and all talking about the walls opening up and people disappearing.
People were spooked and unwilling to go near their houses or even near fences as it seemed that any vertical surface could turn into these rippling portholes where you could get pulled in and disappear. People started looking at the ground in fear, thinking that the very ground might open up beneath them. The fluorescent spheres were crashing down all around us now with small, but destructive force and igniting smoke & flames in the approximate color of the falling sphere that caused them.
From each impact site, a moment after impact, what at first looked to be a large dog shaped creature would crawl out of the impact point and stand on all fours. These four legged creatures appeared to me wearing a silver space suit with a helmet. The helmet was elongated in the neck and in the front as if containing the muzzle of a large dog and they were pretty big creatures, six foot at the shoulders standing on all fours.
Soon as the creatures freed themselves from the crash site of the sphere, they would leap and bound away on all fours and run along walls until the came on one of the rippling vertical portholes opening up. When the dog creatures came upon a porthole, they would dive straight in, closing the porthole with a blast of light & clap of sound. All the people were making their way to the middle of the street and out of the way of the portholes and these dog-like creatures, who seemed intent on attacking each porthole as it appeared.
The spheres kept crashing down, the portholes kept opening up and the dog-like things kept dashing for them. The noise had become deafening and I realized that we were all in the middle of a fierce battle. Then I woke up. Weird as hell. Didn"t get back to sleep that night.

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Crashing spheres and dogs from space - by Den - 08-30-2010, 08:54 PM

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