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Earth Movement - West Virginia
I live in Clintonville WV about 12 miles from Lewisburg in western Greenbrier County. I dreamed the earth moved and my home slid and turned but not very far. Nothing was damaged, just a new positon.
Then I was shown the geological structure beneath the house. It was symbolozied as four pillars of square patio bricks. Two pillars were firm and solid and reached up from the earth to the house.The thirdpillar was crumbled a little ways down from the surface. The fourth pillar was completely gone and no geological support visible. Don't know if I could do anything to strengthen the crumbled or missing structures. But it occurred to me I might be able to influence it. Impression that this is was the current state of structure under the house before any earth movement. No time frame given but it felt to be an informative dream and not to worry about any possible earth changes but that there would be some movement.

Messages In This Thread
Earth Movement - West Virginia - by Ross Weisiger Jr. - 09-07-2010, 11:07 AM

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