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afterlife bar & grill
I had this dream 6 or more years ago but it was short & I remember it like it was last night. It brings me great comfort, actually.
I fell off of a cliff and hit the bottom. Knew I was dead. Next thing I knew, I was at the top of a flight of stairs in a modern looking building --white walls & ceiling in an L-shaped empty landing area. Wondered what I was supposed to do next. Walked to a door & opened it. Inside was a crowded bar -- lots of people laughing & talking. (In this life I might have been in a bar a dozen times & I don't drink. So this was unusual.) Anyway, I met all sorts of old friends & we laughed about "who we were" in the latest lifetime. High-fived with a few: "Yea! Late 20th Century! What a hoot!"

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afterlife bar & grill - by Martha - 09-25-2010, 01:52 PM

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