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UFO's and End of Major State Power
I'm usually reluctant to post dreams which might just be my subconscious knitting stuff together that I've read about. But, an interesting dream nonetheless. Especially with news of ufo's messing around with nuclear missile facilities. That would be a good start to eliminating major state power. In the dream, I'm watching a gigantic round alien craft floating down out of the clouds. They begin to broadcast a message. It's saying "You have completed the wrong course. Major state power is over." I got the impression that minor day to day governmental functions like lights and water would be allowed to continue but no more big wars and such. Then it's saying "A million years agodiseasewiped out your best and brightest, since then you have been a dimmed species." "Justness and Justice is the natural product of evolution, your concepts such as strength, weakness, superior, and inferior are the signs of a damaged intelligence."

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UFO's and End of Major State Power - by Lorien - 09-26-2010, 12:27 AM

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