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No Pigeonhole Dreams - Recent
This is just random info given or perceived or my own imagination (?)
*Blink in and out of life
*A flash causes one to remember
*Male Voice: Life as we know it is a matrix, a system of matrices, that we have all come to believe is reality. The matrix is going to change soon and all previous beliefs & forms will dis-integrate. ( I had this one before I ever heard of George, Clif, David Icke. My dreams seem to pre-validate what I am finding on-line)
*Female Voice: We ARE in heaven.
*Frightening male voice screaming: Dream?! Japanese?! The Fall of Zrical!! (but it was written more like arabic (?) and was a book)
*A newsman I know but cannot remember his name, "Evacuation. This is an evacuation people."
*Male voice: You haven't been listening to what I'm trying to tell you about the seasonal epidemic!! (very upset)
*Male voice: After determining the Ecclesiastical (<sp?)sense they attempted to determine if there was some other sense to it.
*Voice: Post Invasion
*Male Voice: Wake up! Haman Habul (pronounced Hayman Hah-bull) arrives!
Male voice: Everyone talks about earth earth earth. The Earth! Everyone knows how they could have a poercfect life here, a wonderful life, but no one has the courage to do it!
*BBC newsman: And while it was raining, lightning struck and hit a release cell.
D: SENNETT (I fell back asleep) SENNETT (I fell back asleep) SENNETT!! (I woke up)
*Arial map from above the North Pole, Washington and Wisconsin. I can't remember the 3rd state.
Male voice: The suicide paper
*D: The Anatawa Story and 666 are connected to (truly can't spell this) Ahmadinajad.
*Voice: Society membership of the Sion Council (then a tall, thin, older man in a red robe follows me, menacing. But he made me smile.
*Female voice pleading: You have to tell them. Tell them! (and then I saw Obama's face and just knew the woman was wanting him to tell/reveal something vital to all of us. Then later same night) Male announcer - It's a comet reflex.

This isn't a dream it's a question. Why do strangers in my dreams always know who I am?

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No Pigeonhole Dreams - Recent - by Krys - 09-29-2010, 03:25 PM

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