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Meeting some helpers
Before I went to sleep I was thinking about the various"strangers" I've met in my dreams who seem to know me. I had been feeling down, blah, irritable for a few days because as much as I'm delighted to be living at this time, want to survive all the way through and come out the other side to be of some use, I often feel trapped, stuck, impatient. I have glittering moments of such clarity and quantum leaps (to me) in consciousness but I know there is so much more and I can't hang on to it because I have to get up, make coffee, go to work, pay the bills, take a furlough day which makes it hard to pay the bills.....and then I lose the glittering moment. In time the experience becomes a dim memory. At any rate, long story short, I reached out in faith (not fond of that word) or ridiculousness and sent this out mentally, I know you're there, whoever you are, and I know you are many. You may be my mothers, sister, brothers, friends, fathers, lovers, children in other places, and I know you know me but I don't know you. I need your help. I can't do this alone. I need companions on any level and I'm asking you to join me, walk with me, guide me, etcetera etcetera. While I was thinking this fervently I felt a substantial form over me. And then I fell asleep. Instantly people from everywhere and everyplace walked toward me. They were from other plains and places and most wanted intense eye contact as they walked closer then kept walking past. And then several young people (I'm 56) from right here, earth, came out of the shadows andrevealed themselves. It was like a scene from The Crow or something. They were making themselves available. They didn't speak but their names came to me. Three names out of the group; Justin, Jason, Marta. Thank you.

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Meeting some helpers - by Krys - 09-30-2010, 03:49 PM

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