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Something is happening
Something is happening, not so much physically, but vibrationally < I don't know if that is correct. The veil seems to be tearing somehow. There are syrupy moments, fast and frantic keystone cop periods like after work today. I was almost hit 4 different times and there were accidents everywhere around me. My best friend was in the car with me and said, "Jesus, if we make it home in one piece..." It was just nuts - the energy was frantic, schizoid, angry. A few days ago I was walking to the library at lunch and was thinking about things/issues when I decided I simply think too much. There is simply no disecting or analyzing all the strange energy happening lately. I consciously allowed the troubling thoughts to rise to my crown and let them go. Instantly I felt powerful, centered, sort of out of body, other.
Years ago I used to read this newletter called On Eagles Wings or something like that. This Canadian guy who was into writing about everything that is happening now said something once I'll never forget, and it was resonating in my mind as I continued walking. We have to be like a cat that always lands on it's feet; awake, intuitively aware and flexible. Which my mind, loving to segue,swung toan I Ching verse. Everything that is ridge will break. Everything that is hard will crumble. Only what is soft, flexible and flowing survives.

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Something is happening - by Krys - 10-01-2010, 06:33 PM

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