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strange time w/cat
This is not a dream, it happened a month ago in "real" time. I was sitting outside reading a book and keeping an eye out for my cat to make sure she was staying in her yard when I looked up and saw her turning the corner to go into the neighbor's yard. Just her tail was visible. I looked down to close my book in preparation to getting up and collect her. I looked back up (this couldn't have taken more than a second and she was back to where she had started before rounding the corner. I felt like the whole world had changed in that instant. I almost couldn't believe what I had just seen. I only told two people about it of whom one believed me and the other thought I had just imagined it. It's been over a month since this happened and I can still remember what the world felt like at that instant. I am a pragmatic person and would not have believed it if a friend or family member had told me it happened to them. I would believe them now.

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strange time w/cat - by Mare - 10-09-2010, 07:11 PM

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