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Welcome to Heaven in November
Today is 10-10-10. Last night I had many dreams of the mundane, everyday living -- so many that I thought my mind would never quiet enough for me to enjoy dead, luxurious sleep. Then I began dreamingI was packing all of my valuables because a storm was coming. I was taping a large antique mirror and putting breakables in a box of packing foam.
The expected storm had begun and it was realy severe. We went out on a porch and rain was falling so hard that a river was forming in the yard. There was thunder but I didn't see the lightening. Soon the rain stopped and we decided it may be wise to move to higher ground.
I found myself with some other people that decided to go out and photograph the unusual looking sky -- it looked deep blue, almost purple. We got in the back of a pick-up truck. Everything in my dream was so vivid and in full color. the pickup truck was blue, the mud looked reddish (not unusual for the red rock area of Arizona) and the trees were turning colors of orange and red against the green of the pine trees.
There were three or four others riding in the bed of the pickup truck. I held a folded silver and black tripod across my lap so it wouldn't roll around. Suddenly, lightening began to stretch across the distance like a rainbow. The thunder was deafening. There were no clouds in the sky to speak of, just the unusual lightening. It began like regular lightening, only a lot more intense. Where it had pulsed in the air, it stayed as a footprint stays in mud. The lightening grew thick and arched across the sky from horizon to horizon making an arch in the distance. Then the lightening turned from yellow-white to purple, indigo, turquoise and pink. The thickness of the lightening grew wider. The sky was rent, as if torn open and blue balls of plasma clouds sped along the ground. It was scary and eerie. The lightening continued as if moving along the ground like a snake and these puffs of blue plasma clouds rose up from the rent. One blue plasma cloud moved along the side of the truck. I know the driver must have seen it because the truck accelerated and moved away until it was directly behind us.
Then the blue plasma cloud moved up along the side of the truck where I sat. I watched it, but it didn't scare me. I was more fascinated than anything else. I watched as this blue plasma cloud, which looked like something you'd see from a hubble photograph morphed into three angels. The largest of these was standing beside me, but not in the truck, but not on the ground either. The truck continued to speed along the street. I wasn't sure if anyone saw what I was seeing.
The angel was golden. Not metallic gold, but yellow-orange gold. He was very beautiful. His hands were stained with blood and I knew he had seen much misery and had helped many with his mercy. He said to me, "Welcome to Heaven in November." It was then I saw the other angel, female, and there was another female angel that I only felt but did not see.
"What?" I said.
He pulled out this gold metal cup -- short, fat, squat, like a soup cup -- which was filled with milk. "Drink," he told me.
"The whole thing?" I asked. "Yes," the female said, "You'll want to drink it all while its warm."
At the last moment the gold angel poured something into the milk from a white cermanic spoon which made it foam up. He said, "Open your mouth." I did and he put this foam like substance on my tongue. It made me feel light-headed.
He looked to the other angels and said, " Jxxxxx is sick."
"I'm going to die?"
"Yes," he said.
I fell back into the truck bed, expected to hit my head on the metal but it was as soft as a feather bed. I felt small inside my body, but I was pretty happy. I was speaking the name "Elohim" and many words in an ancient language (Hebrew?) and knew that I was with the most high God and had received a blessing.
I woke up then, so grateful for everything in my life that I cried. I am touched by all those around me, the people I know, and even those I don't. God bless us everyone.

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Welcome to Heaven in November - by magickj - 10-10-2010, 08:42 AM

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