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Earth rumbles but no Quake
Lincoln, NE 10/29 9pmish. after a stressful week at work, had dinner with best friend then sat down to watch Jesse Ventura. I fell asleep and dreamed I felt the earth rumbling. It went on for several minutes as I lay there wondering if I was actually dreaming or awake. I felt a swaying motion as well andsaid, "The earth is rumbling, Mary. I've never felt this in your place before." She asked me if the earth was rumbling right now. I said yes. I walked home one block at 10pm and went into the kitchen to get my supplements, aspirin, etc, out of the kitchen cabinet. When I opened the cabinet I immediately knew something was wrong. I line the outer edges of this cabinet with my supplements, etc, in a certain orderleaving the center of the shelf free. Every bottle had shifted toward the center and forward. I called Mary and asked her if she had been over during the day (we have keys to each other's places and will sometimes "borrow" a can of cat food, TP, coffee). She hadn't been over. I felt a chill inside and a little spooked. How had these items moved? I checked the other cabinets with heavier items (canned goods) and they did seem slightly disordered. Checked the USGS site for small quakes nearby but nothing.

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Earth rumbles but no Quake - by Krys - 10-30-2010, 03:53 AM

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