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Jesus & aliens
i was at a mall. i was looking down the mall a bit and saw hovering over people and looking down was Jesus. But it didn't look like the real jesus, it looked like a machine. shiny, plastic looking, he had a permanent smile on his face saying nothing, just observing. he was kinda hovering and looking around. i shouted that jesus was hovering above. i think my brother mightve been there. i walked towards jesus and by then he had come down and a crowd of people had gathered. i assumed he was an advertisement or an actor promoting something. yet i dont think i was sure. i just knew it wasnt the real jesus. i touched him and i remember being awed that his skin felt real. people were clamoring around to ask questions. but jesus didnt talk. he just smiled like some crazy, dumb robot. somehow we ended up on a bus driving away from the mall and over a bridge. jesus got off at one of the stops and waved goodbye as the rest of us drove away in the bus.

next thing i remember I was running or walking to a house. I don't think it was mine. But it wasn't not my house either. I had noticed that people were being 'taken over' by these alien things that would just take over bodies and then become warped and animal like. im pretty sure 2 of them were chasing me. Next thing I remember I was in the house in a bathroom peeking through the door wondering where the monsters or aliens were. It's like my consciousness jumped into someone elses body. because i had just been outside wondering who was in. I went into the bathroom and silently closed and locked the door and put a table in front of it. I had seen the aliens coming down the stairs. they were my (but not really my) parents who had been turned. its like the aliens, as an energy, just took them over, quite easily. I wasn't sure if they knew I was in the house. I went to the window and peered out. (the whole time I'm saying 'me' but it was more like i was inside someone else and experiencing what they were experiencing but they were making the choices and it was their thoughts I was hearing as if they were my own) I remember thinking i had better act quickly, before they knew anything was wrong instead of just waiting it out. For all I knew, they were in the house forever and would eventually find me. (it felt like this was my logic and not 'hers') i unlatched the window and removed the screen very quietly and then sat back observing. there was an alien couple that i think had been chasing me outside before i blinked into this body, that was getting ready to enter the house. after they entered it was the perfect opportunity. i remember the girl i was in was wondering when her bf would be home who lived next door because she could run over to him for help and protection. i think he had pulled up. we squeezed out the window and started to run. and then i woke up.

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Jesus & aliens - by Majamp - 11-08-2010, 08:15 AM

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