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Water ponds
This dream a bunch of us are all outside. It is a pleasant day with the birds chirping and the sun shining. Yet out in the distance on the northwest side there seems to be a lightning storm brewing with dark evil looking clouds churning on the horizon.
We are all working in the yard. we are digging trenches five and a half feet wide by ten feet long and three and a half feet deep. the women are busy with an afternoon bar-b-q all in nice sunny dresses. after we men get done digging the holes we use old railroad ties to line it and build it up to the edge of the hole. then we line the bottom with sand and place a plastic liner inside the hole stapling it to the top railroad tie. Once this is done we place a railroad tie cap on top of it and make a pvc rack that will hang into the pit with a screen across the top of it. Along with this the bottom rail has holes drilled into it and a hose is put on the one side for a pump. the top four corners have hooks on them to hang on top to be raised and lowered.we then fill the hole with water and put fish in it. on top of the water we take styrofoam and cut holes in it that we put plant containers in and float in the pond. after we are done we all are hot and tired so we go sit at this huge picknic table where the women all place the bowls of food for us to eat.
All the while we watch this thunder storm coming from the northwest. and the kids playing softball in the yard.

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Water ponds - by wendlo - 01-02-2011, 12:50 PM

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