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Indonesian quake
From the time i was 8 or 9 i remember allways having a dream of my family and i walking along the streets of some city. i would panic and try to tell everyone that we needed to get to higher ground because a wall of water was coming and it was going to be terrible. I would only have this dream on december 24 of every year. I would wake up on the 25th and before we would open presents i would tell my mom that i had had the wall of water dream again. The first time i didnt have the dream was on december 24th 2004, the day the tsunami hit indonesia, and i havnt had it since. 2 years later I lived in indonesia for 3 months and 1 month of it i spent living out in the mentawai region, with my brother and his wife. I literally saw where the tsunami hit and i couldnt help but have flashbacks to my dream.

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Indonesian quake - by Richard - 01-03-2011, 12:47 PM

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