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Toroid or Vortex?
Walking down a largehallway with redish and brown or orange carpet. This hallway looks as if itsloping down and the floor does one of those things, where you have a steep slope path then a flat area then another steep slope. The walls are a creamy white color top to bottom. (not sure where the light is coming from) As I'm walking down this hallway I come to a spot on my left side, that makes me feel "funny". I stop to try and get a better sense of what this "funny" feeling is and I start to fall backwards into a prone position with my arms crossed, over my chest and I start spinning in a vortex with my feet being at the center of the vortexand my head at the outter edge. I never hit the floor, I just kind of hover above it spinning in a counter clockwise direction and this "feeling" turns into pure pleasure as my mind is asking "what is this?" Two more people that where behind me, (didn't know they were there) dressed in what looks to be black tuxedos(???not sure about the tux but definetly black) stop to look at me and asked "what is that?!" To which, I try to reply but I'm not able to form the word correctly, (as if I was drunk with slurred speach) I try to say "vortex!" but it just doesn't come out right. At that moment, I kind of freak out, at the fact that I can't talk right and end up waking myself. (Grrrrr)

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Toroid or Vortex? - by MichaelWayne - 02-04-2011, 08:19 AM

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