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Extremely Close Planet Flyby & Codes
Lincoln NE
last week
There was so much to these twodreams but I couldn't wake up to writethem down even though I kept telling myself, in the dream,to wake up. I can only remember the tail ends of them. The first one was a planet that passed by the earth so closely I could see the faces of the people on it and they were smiling, beckoning and welcoming. Most of the dream was in color but this part was black and white and shades of gray. The second dream was strings of code or anacronyms (?) in BOLD CAPS with the translations following in small case. The only one I can faintly remember is OANFU or OANFI.

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Extremely Close Planet Flyby & Codes - by Krys - 03-04-2011, 02:04 AM

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