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Volcanic Dawn Clouds
I just had a particularly vivid dream about standing on the sidewalk outside my Mother's house in Calgary (of all places) curious to watch the dawn sun, because it was so very orange, nearing red... and it was hazy out, not in a 'fog' kind of way, but in a 'dirty' way. Then, came the roiling black and grey clouds from the area between the sun and the school building across the street, then over the building across the street... heading directly towards 'us'.
I turned and ran, telling everybody to get inside immediately. Just as I got in the door, the blast of hot, gritty wind shot past the door. I hoped that the trees at the front of the house would protect the windows, as I knew there was no OSB board in the basement that we could use to board them up if they broke due to flying debris. I told everybody to wait until the worst was over, but made sure I knew where the shovels were because we'd need to clear the roof of ash so it didn't collapse.
Eventually, the roiling ash clouds dissipated to just gently falling ash, so I had my mom find a ladder, and we got up on the roof together to clear ash off of it with grain shovels. Although I wondered how useful it would be, since the ash was 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up the building at various points.

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Volcanic Dawn Clouds - by Saaphiel - 03-27-2011, 03:54 AM

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