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As I watched, the antique cassette player was pushed off it's perch. I felt around behind it and there was an invisible mass, round and solid.
People were over at the house, but I was distracted. As I walked around the living room, I kept on feeling tingly in different spots and sometimes I would drag my hand or arm across something solid, yet invisible. These masses held their shape, and I could move them around the room. One crinkled, I could almost hear it, but I definitely felt it, like I could tear it open and eat whatever was inside. One was big, soft, and heavy, like a pillow. One was unmistakably a half gallon container of milk, I could open and close the cardboard spout.
Cliff, one guest, was assuring me that if we turned up the furnace, the hot air pockets would go away, but I wasn't believing that...I was convinced of that possibility before the 'milk
carton' experience.
I was also wondering earlier if this could be some kind of micro white hole which pushed out instead of pulled in. Maybe we are dealing with micro wormholes instead, bubbling up in certain areas and, if the amount of bubbling is sufficient, allowing one timespace to be able to reach across to another, and maybe tingling goes along with that. Maybe this is the cause of the ghost phenomenon.

In another time, Troy was having trouble with poltergeists, a carton of milk had risen up from the breakfast table and something was manipulating it as it floated around his newly-renovated home. (He had swapped the living room and dining room spaces)


What if:
microwormholes could effervesce when two moving, spinning systems interact. Could our solar system, as it passes through the plane of our visible galaxy, experience something akin to
wave amplification or wave nullification, depending upon the energy frequencies of the two systems, and the angle at which they intersect? Maybe there is energy in the fabric of space,
and this interaction between two systems can cause disturbances, like swirling a soda to cause the CO2 gas to come out of suspension and become visible bubbles. Microwormholes
would fizz up and disappear in swarms...but why would they all group together and tend to allow one time in the third dimension to interact with another time? Why that particular time?
Maybe like dialing in a radio station, it depends upon the frequencies of the energies of the two systems.

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timespaces - by troytunes - 04-14-2011, 06:15 PM

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