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A storm is coming.
Last night I had a very disturbing dream. I could see a great storm coming and this time it arrived and hit with a full force. About three months ago I walked through a barrier as in a membrane. I could see a vast storm coming towards me one larger than I have ever seen. It was to my right and I decided to come back and I approached the membrane and there were three very tall magnificent beings with crowns on there heads. They were black and iridescent with geometric patterns occurring on their skin. I asked if I could cross back over and they bowed to me and backed up and allowed me to pass through. I was rather humbled by their appearance. I came back over and climbed into a very large tree and it swayed back and forth and out of my mouth came a guttural tome which was so powerful I could not stop it. At that moment a doorway opened and five beings appeared looking up at me. They were clasping their hands together as if praying and looking right at me. On their faces there was a perfect geometric pattern running vertical in alternating colors of black and white. I woke up. Last night I saw the storm again and it was massive I ran into a building while yelling at everyone to take cover. As I was running in I knew that it was so large that I may also disappear. I turned and when back outside and thought of my daughters dream the other day that people were leaving together in family groups and they were happy. Everything was destroyed but I knew that it was fine and meant to be. Nothing was left unturned but it was going to be fine.

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A storm is coming. - by Delta Don - 04-16-2011, 10:40 AM

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