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Japan disaster zone.
I was sleeping in this till about 1:30pm really tired and had this dream about Japan shortly before I woke up.
It started with me in a dark room could be night time watching the live news of Japan on a large flat panel.
It shows a rapidly developing seen of destruction every where. Bombed out cityscape kind of scene, like from the future in Terminator whithout the robots and soldiers though. Its also raining and drissly and dark over there. The camera zooms in on one seen what looks like bodies of construction workers strewn all over the place many with yellow and white hard hats. What look like first responders or other workers turning over some bodies and checking for signs of life. There is also a scene where one of those giant dump trucks you see at open pit mines is turning in circles with the driver slumped over dead, blood all over him and you see some workers trying to get to the driver to stop the truck.
Theres also a scene showing some king of monster flying around reeking havoc. What comes to mind is a griffon or that creature with a stinger mentioned in the book of revelation. I here myself in the dream shouting ITS THE END TIMES! ITS THE END TIMES! excitedly at this point.The dream seems to drag on showing more news coverage of Japan and then just as I'm waking up. I feel this sense that the news is no longer sencored or restricted. That the Powers that Be have more or less abanoned our world either for underground bunkers or elsewhere, there just gone. The minion class, politicians bankers etc, are running around like headless chickens or deers caught in headlights because they no longer have anyone over their shoulder telling them what to do and theyre so used to being told what to do by the powers that be. Only the first responders seem to be trying to contain whats happening. I also get the sense Its not just Japan being devestated. A very dreary dream as a whole.

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Japan disaster zone. - by Unami - 04-16-2011, 12:26 PM

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