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Rome heads the new world order
At first this dream was very realistic. Everyday situations, kids going to school, but then I noticed that there was no seperation of people & countries. There were two classes of people, those who have & thosewho have not. I remember seeing a large screen tv in the sky or a hologram that gave the news. There were elections going on in Rome. Time was moving very fast in my dream. What seemed like minutes was really years. Election after election was taking place. Two times there was an up rising due to americans being elected to lead Rome. The dream did not seem as though people understood the changes that took place, but once the New World Order took over the people who HAVE didn't mind. Those of us that did not have, went on surviving as we were used to, but things were getting tougher & tougher for us. We were about to be pushed out of schools & learning.
Pray this doesn't happen.

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Rome heads the new world order - by Alaira1 - 04-20-2011, 06:40 AM

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