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West Coast and Central Plains Underwater
Lincoln, NE, 1:30am
I was in CA going to my condo (but I don't live in CA. I own a condo in Nebraska, and had been co-owner, until very recently, of a houseboat in Cedar Rapids,Iowa.) I went into my condo in CA and it wasvery different from the condo I actually own in Nebraska. I knew I was inCA on the coast. I left the condo towalk into town for something. (Now the dream becomes very confusing in my dream/mind). When I exited the building with my purchase I was caught up in all of this brown water full of debris. The streets were full of water over everyone's head. An old woman, hooked up to an IV and oxygen was being rescued by paramedics and they had her on a floatation device. I felt desperate to get back to my condo, or was it my houseboat I was looking for? I saw the houseboatcareening on the water down the street and it was going to hit me but it flattened and dove under the water right before impact. Now I was struggling to get to my condo but couldn't find it. It had moved. I asked people wheremy condo complexwas located and they pointed SW so I moved in that direction but it was gone.The land had shifted and moved. Piles and piles of white sand were piled up on the beach and it wasalmost entirely covered with deep, fluffy snow. Was I in Nebraska now? But why was there abeach and a huge body of water? Many of the buildings were wrecked but many were still standing. You just couldn't move out of them. The big dunes on the new beach kept the water from retreating - held it inland. The dunes were dry and some people were on them playing in the snow. They were amazed and full of wonder.
Lincoln, NE, 9:00am
I was shown the reason for all of the hardships and calamity was because we had forgotten the word (underlined, bold and caps) -WE.

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West Coast and Central Plains Underwater - by Krys - 04-25-2011, 06:03 AM

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