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well at first im on a cliff and underneath me is a zoo type place with these black and gold lions the size of dogs there was about 8 of them and they where all male then the biggest ones start to fight,so i turn my gaze to another fence and i see tall green grass and out pops my rooster "Buff" a buff orpington rooster and some more of my chickens, then the setting of the cliff changes to a deck and below the deck is a pack of grey wolves with there pups so i deside to go pet them but im really high up and fall a little bit and caught myself and start to climb up but i couldnt get over the railing and call for help and this blonde haired lady mid to lates 50's came and helped me but i couldnt get my body over so i swing my legs up and she pulls on them and i stretch and stretch and finally hit the deck then i wake up.

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black&gold - by calidreamin21 - 05-18-2011, 05:05 PM

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