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I awoke in another dimension (7/7/2011)
Two days ago I took an afternoon nap. I felt myself beginning to fall into a deep sleep. Next thing I knew I was standing in what looked like someone's outside fence dog shelter. It was 10'x 6'x 6' chain link fence all around & above me & lush green grass on the ground. It did have a fence doorway. I asked myself how in the world did I get from my bedroom to standing inside this cage/shelter. I looked around. The cage was right outside the backdoor of an older style white farm house. There was a brick building across the street from this house to my left (as I faced the back of the house). There were many delapidated buildings & homes behind me, just beyond the rest of the yard. I remember some trees & more grass off to my right, but wasn't aware of whether there were anymore buildings or homes in that direction.
I decided to try opeing the door to the cage to get out & look around. At first I was a little aprehensive about making alot of noise as I wasn't sure who was in the home & how they would react to my being in their yard. As I moved toward the cage door an sensor light came on & an elderly couple came out. The woman came first, she was maybe 5'6", healthy weight, white hair that was done up on her head. She wore a floral house dress with a white apron. I told her I wasn't sure how I got there. That I was a little confused. She told me to speak with her husband. The husband was about 5'7", dark hair, not thin but a healthy weight for his age. I remember that he was wearing khaki pants & a somewhat red shirt. He told me that it was no mistake that I was there, that I was the first to come & there would be others & that he would explain everything after everyone got there. I vaguely recall him saying something about two medications that had to be given to me due to the trip, though I do not recall what the medications were called. The first one made me feel calm & made everything look dreamish. Like there was a brightness around everything. The second medication I do not remember being given or having any side effect.
Again I asked him how I got there & he again told me he would tell me soon. Suddenly my mom, grandmom & one of my aunts were in the house with me. My mom & my aunt were a bit dazed & must have come from their homes. My grandmom looked like she must have been out of the house as she was carrying a sweater over her arm. I went to go speak with them about whether they knew how they had just appeared out of no where, when my husband & children showed up behind & beside me. Everytime I went to ask someone about whether they were as confused as me, more people would pop into existance in or around this house. I went to the window & looked out to see a silver type, van sized, vehicle & alot of children playing & laughing outside the home. They were by the brick building that I had described above. My two older children were outside ,suddenly, having a good laugh with the other children. My youngest (now 5yrs old) refused to leave my side. I could feel her feelings. She could see things as they really were & chose to stay with me.
I turned to talk to my husband, when another elderly couple popped into the room. They were as confused as the rest of us.
Suddenly the room became very bright & I awoke in my bed at home.

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I awoke in another dimension (7/7/2011) - by Alaira1 - 07-07-2011, 07:59 AM

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