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what is real?
In 2008, I saw these strange things in the sky for 3 months almost every night. I have to tell someone that may believe me. Let me start from the beginning; In 2008, I heard about this lady on YouTube that said, "There will be a big sighting on Oct 14, 2008," so I was excited and thought, "Wow, maybe so I will see aliens." I waited all night. Nothing--So when I went to bed that night I had a dream. I saw a beautiful rainbow at my back door in San Antonio but in the middle of the rainbow was a large eye. It scared me, so I screamed and tried to get away but could not. Then this passed. The next phase of the dream, we (my family) were eating and something was wrong with the food. It was poison but it did not bother us. Outside the dining room window I saw space ships flying around, almost like there was a war going on, but we were not scared. Well, that's all I remember about the dream. But the next day my son and I were on the computers and he said, "Look, there is a beautiful rainbow outside." I looked and sat out on the deck for a while. Then that night we were looking out the deck doors and saw three lights in the formation of a triangle. "So weird," we thought but after that every day on, I would go outside in a field next to the house and wait. There were little red orbs that would come every night, and white ones too. They would come close to me but I could not get close enough to get a look at them. There was a feeling I had during this whole experience. It was a feeling of just seeing someone that you have not seen in a while. A feeling of familiarity, hard to explain. These white lights would run around the house sometimes, and one even shot past my face so close I thought if it wanted to hit me it would have. My family saw some of the red lights, but I think they were afraid of what was happening or they were made to not notice. But one time my husband called me to the back door and in the clouds was a formation of a space ship. We were very surprised. After about a month or so of this, I went to a psychiatrist to get meds or help me because I thought I was seeing things. Well, I started taking the pills, but I still saw the crafts. So in Jan 2009, I wrote a email to one Robert Shapiro (benevolent magic blog) and asked him for help with this. He said he would help me. I still could not stop going outside to see them. One night, I asked what they looked like. That night I woke up because something touched my eyelid. I thought one of my grandchildren had had a bad dream and was trying to wake me up. So I got up to check on them and they were asleep. So I decided to smoke a cig. I opened the back door and in the clouds was a face. The face was that of a gray alien formed in the clouds. I never said a word, just looked and said to myself, "OK." The next night I went out to the field. I stood there as usual and waited. I would see the lights coming so I knew it was them but this time it was different because as I watched to see the little orbs come the light did not get small. It got bigger as it got closer. When it was just above me, I saw the most magnificent array of lights in a circle. I could not see the craft. Only the lights were bright white. I mean bright. They did not hurt my eyes to look at them. They were so pretty. It stayed about 1 min and then left. That was the last time I saw them. When I was about 2 or 3 years old, I remembered a big storm. I was at my grandmothers house. I heard thunder. I remember running to my grandmothers room to hide behind the big chair. All of a sudden I looked out from behind the chair to look out the window and I saw a very dark face. I always thought it was the devil, but now I know it was a gray looking at me.

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what is real? - by lnl911 - 08-11-2011, 07:20 AM

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