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Fire dragon
This is a dream I had had before I heard anything about the reptilian agenda or anything similar. It is more of a strong vision then a flow of occurrances. It happened after multiple anaesthesias and doctors re-booting my brain as they put it. It is not as nasty as it sounds, it's a part of a rapid detox procedure so your limbic system is back to its original state. Since the dream occured in this window of time before my conscious mind could reconstitute itself, I believe it came from a place of intuition. Sooo, here it is.
I'm standing in front of a castle facing it. It looks like a prison or something similar(official structure). Behind it is a fucking big dragon spreading its wings. It is black. Its wing span is as big as the entire castle. The ambience is dark and has an apocalyptic feel to it. The castle is on fire and the dragon behind it is in a frenzy, enjoying the destruction. It wants to burn and destroy all in its path. An old wise man appears. He looks like some Greek phylosopher. White beard and hair around the ears, bald, in a greyish toga. He hands to me a scroll. He says to take care of it so it is not destroyed along with the rest of the world. I take it. It's a formula seemingly containing only two written words (I don't remember them) I know it is the last of the ancient knowledge. I run.

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Fire dragon - by Csatika - 08-16-2011, 02:53 AM

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