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The war above?
I have had this reaccuring dream series for the past 40 years at least. I started having it when I was very young and this dream always carries over for 3 consecutive nights. The first night I dream that I am laying in a ditch of some kind, hiding under some brush. The wind is blowing and its raining. The rain is so hard that it stings my face. The sky is a strange color. It's dark and gloomy and gray but it's not a nighttime kind of dark. The air feels charged and smells like sulfer. Then I wake up.
The second night, the dream starts out the same as what I just mentioned but it carries on from there to me crawling out of the ditch and literally digging my fngers into the mud, trying to cling on for dear life, as I make an attempt to belly crawl out from under the brush covering the ditch, and across a large open field, toward a grassy mound that I see about 1/8th of a mile in front of me. The wind is so powerful that I can barely fight against it. The mound is framed by two straight trees that are beginning to sway as the wind increases. The rain is starting to sting so hard that I am having a hard time seeing, but I never loose sight of the mound. (This mound is about 30 feet higher than the rest of the area) I start to see what I first thought was lighting. Then I realize the flashes of light are not white, but some are red and some are blue. And they are not, for the most part, making cloud to ground contact. The bolts of light are flashing back and forth across the sky from cloud to cloud. Then I wake up.
The third night starts out like the first night, then progresses to the second night and finally ends with me arriving at the base of the mound, on my belly, with my fingers dug deeply into the mud and bleeding. I look up through the wind and rain and see a man standing at the top of the mound. He is dry, dressed all in white and seems to be completely unaffected by the conditions that are pushing me to the very limit of survival. He appears to have some kind of soft illumination all around him, coming from him. He walks down the side of the mound, toward me, reaches out his hand to me and says, "take my hand. its time to go" I reach up and grab his hand with my wet, muddy, bloody hand and then I wake up.
I had this dream series once a year, every year for about 10 years starting when I was in my late teens/early 20s. Then it slowed down and I only seemed to have it once every few years. I think the last time I had it was probably 10 years ago. I also believe I may have actually come across an area, in real life, that looks exactly like the place in my dream..

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The war above? - by Deb Kauble - 08-16-2011, 02:41 PM

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