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Dreaming in color
I've heard that no one dreams in color, but I seem to see color when I dream. Just 2 nights ago I dreamt I was walking around in a huge mansion (or bed and breakfast?) and was to stay overnight. I wandered into one area that had high ceilings and walls that had been painted that day. There was still tape on the borders and the doorknobs and light switch covers were still removed. The color of the new paint was a pale green. A bed had been arranged for me on the floor and as I went in to retire for the night an oppressive evil presence descended upon me, frightening me and making every hair stand on end. I began driving it off and woke up. Still afraid, I continued the process of driving it off in my own bed until I felt better and went back to sleep. - James Howard, author of "What So Proudly We Hailed"

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Dreaming in color - by James Howard - 09-01-2011, 07:21 AM

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