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I am asleep I hear a noise. I awake and there is a pixy like woman blond big beautiful eyes staring at me gesturing me to follow her... I walk out into the hall.. and I am outside.. the first thing I see is a big bird siting in the middle of the road eating the carcases of several animal's.. all of a sudden a big bear comes out of the woods and eats the bird..
I am then on the east coast the weather is a blizzard.. the water is frozen and people are without power huddled next to trash cans lit ablaze with the intent to keep warm.. there are elderly people in Wheel chairs struggling to get to the trash can's but can't.. Some end up dying from the cold..
There is fire blazing from the streets.. I am not sure but think it is gas lines rupturing and fire is shooting up.. There are trees with ice covering the leaves and they are dying as well.. I think there was an earthquake. I see the Washington Monument the top is laying next to it.. buildings are crumbling and streets are gone..
She then takes me to a great hall there is congress all sitting around with smiles on their faces. They are plotting how to stop the president from helping the people he is trying to represent. He is pleading with them to take an effort to turn all the while there is a midgit stuffing money in their pockets saying do as I say..
Now I am on the west coast.. there people are in the middle of huge clouds of dirt.. a cowboy is hearding a heard of mice there are cattle in the fields dead and withered with maggots all over them.. sick and frothing ..
I see a volcano getting ready to erupt and the night sky is like a set of fourth of july rockets.
There are long lines of people ragged and torn old bankers with holes in their suits.. people trying to calm the fears of children as they slowly go hungry.. The president is looking down from the hill He has tears in his eyes.. every effort has been stopped by the men of greed.
I turn to the woman and ask.. what is the meanings. she says it is ready..

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Frozen - by wendlo - 08-29-2011, 03:07 PM

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